Names in MUME

When you create a Mume character it can often be difficult to come up with a good realistic and Tolkienish name. Often the good names from the books are already taken and if you have no knowldege of the language that your character speak you will often be forced to chose a silly name or a name from another book or even a movie (people seem to really like starwars in Mume). Here I will try to supply some general guidelines for naming characters of the different races. (of course I dont intend to force Tolkienish names on anybody, as funny or alternative naming often makes Muming more interesting).


The races of men and hobbits.

Eriadorian People:

Tend to have names in Westron i.e. names that sound english but somewhat old, examples could be "Bill Ferny", or other names of the Bree Townsfolk.


often have Westron names too, but some peculiar naming traditions prevail in the Shire. Male hobbits from the northern Farthing of the Shire often have two-syllable names ending in "o" like "Lotho","Bolgo","Milo" and so on while female hobbits often have flower names like "Belladonna","Peona","Rosa" and such. In the southern Farthings both male and female hobbits often have names ending in "oc" or "ac" for example "Meriadoc","Saradoc",Rorimac" etc.

Other Typical name endings in all of the farthings could be "-fast", "-wise" and so on.

the Rohhirim:

have names in old english with the beginnings "Eo-","Theo-","Ed-","Athel-","Frea-","Folc-" and endings"-den","-dred","-wyn"(feminine)& "-wine"(masculine),"-láf","-mund","-helm","-wulf" being very common.

Beorning names:

often sound scandinavian and uses many animal names as particles in the name. Like "Beorn"(bear),"Arn"(eagle),"Ulf"(wolf),and probably particles like "-leif-","-thor-","as-","-tryg" and "Sig-" weren't uncommon with the beornings even though they have not been attested by Tolkien.

Dúnadan names:

are most frequently in Elvish or Numenorean (called Adunaic in MUME. A language related closely to the elven tongues). Among the travelling people of Arnor the particle "Ara-" (the travellers mostly use sindarin)

seems to be alltime favorite and in Gondor (the people of Gondor mostly use Numenorean) name endings in "-mir", "-thor" or "-car" are very common.


Elvish names


Noldorin names :

always in Quenya. The names of the Noldo nobility often begin in "Fin-","Ang-","Am-","Curu-","Eär-" and ends in "-reth","-rod","-gnor"/"-glor","-wë"/"lwë","-wen"(feminine)and very commonly "-gon".



are of course in Sindarin and so often contains the following particles : "Cele-","-gil","-orn","-dil","Thoron-","Gal"/"-wath","Ithil","Beleg" "marth-","mith-","mal-","sil","tin".<br>


Silvan names are in sindarin too but particles containing forest elements are favored. for example "lego-","orn","las","glad".


Dwarven names:

Dwarven names are very rarely in Khuzdul since this is a secret language. Most Dwarves have a Khuzdul name that is only known to their closest kin and a name in dwarvish westron by which they call themselves in company of non-dwarves. Khuzdul names known includes Azaghâl and a few more.(I will look theses up and supply them later.)But most names known to the other races are in an ancient dialect of westron adapted to dwarvish,names in this dialect include almost all dwarvish names that you can think of. they often end in "-in","-ór","-ain","oin" and begin in "Fr-","Thr-","Gl"-/"G-"/"Gr-","Dur-","Thor-".

Skal the dwarf wrote a message on the free peoples board about dwarven names.